
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Film school owns your films

I remember back in kindergarden in school when I would draw or paint a picture or create some craft object, I would be able to bring it back home and show my parents. Then I could post it on my wall or give it to someone special. I put my work into creating it so I got to keep it.

Once I got into film school, things changed. Things that I had put my work into would be owned by the school. Films would be required to have "The University of Southern California" printed onto the credits. I would not even be able to post the film on to youtube unless it got "cleared" by USC.

And yet I had paid $200,000 to attend USC.

And yet I had produced, shot and edited everything.

And yet USC had not given me even 1 cent to produce my film.

USC will own all the films you create in class. Don't waste $200,000 on film school cause you won't even own your own film. All you will get from film school is a piece of paper.


  1. Hey I just want to say your blog has been really encouraging and inspiring for me, because like most people I too believed that I needed to go to film school to become a director of some sort. But your posts have reassured me that this is not the case as long as I keep inspiring myself and thinking of new ideas. I'm still not fully convinced however -I'm looking at Chapman since it's been said they're more hands-on, perhaps you would know? I was considering USC and I'm sure it is a great school, but after doing some research and looking at it from various perspectives, something tells me that the institution may be just a little overrated than it actually is. Please correct me if I'm wrong for thinking this...but I do get the impression that those who commend it -students themselves, are just tooting their school pride and their ego for getting into the 'best film school' in the country. Like you said, "feeling the red carpet under their feet" their first day. This is just me projecting would know more. Right now I think I'm just going to attend a community college and take some film classes (and GE's) before maybe considering to transfer to some school with a good film program. I would really like to hear if you have any advice on that point. I really like films and it's been a ridiculous struggle to realize that perhaps this is what I want to do with my life. That said, I don't know anything about equipment or terms, but I enjoy telling stories and everything has to be aesthetically pleasing to my eye. Please email me with anything that may be of some reassuring value.

    1. I also looked into Chapman but decided not to attend the school because it's in Orange County and has the "lets hit the beach" vibe. I'm also a filmmaker but I'm struggling to decide how to get a hands-on education. Check out Ithaca College, Newhouse school at Syracuse, Hampshire College, Champlain College, and Emerson College if you haven't already. They don't have the brand names USC or UCLA have, they aren't as overpriced, and provide many internships to students.

  2. Over here you have shared really a great stuff about the film school and how we can develop our career at their school. It is really a great option for making career.

    ecolede cinema

  3. USC has one of the largest financial aid programs in the country. They meet all of a students need 100%. Were not talking about a bunch of loans. They give out gigantic University grants to needy students and scholarships to students with good grades which both do not have to be repaid! USC caters very well to the "high need" students. A "high need" student after receiving there financial aid package will be attending USC for the cost of a public university. The thing with private university's is they are expensive but a lot of them especially the top one's give out very good financial aid that does not need to be repaid.

    Is your family rich? Did you have "low need" which is why you had to pay so much?

  4. Hello, can I email the writer of this blog? I am a Senior in high school in Maine and I'm a filmmaker. Here's my YouTube channel:

    I have to go to college, but if I go to an ordinary liberal arts school I would end up majoring in psychology or theology – neither of the fields I am interested in working in. I am, however, interested in filmmaking. If I stay at home in Maine making my own stuff, I wouldn't have many other filmmakers to work with. Do I go to a less expensive Communications School like the Park school of Communications at Ithaca College? Or do I move to LA and try to make contacts? Anyway, I'm very confused! Please email me at:
