
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Film school is EXPENSIVE

USC is known to some as the University of Second Choice(especially to the school across town). Though there may be some debate about whether USC or UCLA is a better school, we can almost be certain that USC is a University of Spoiled Children. That is, U$C costs a lot of money to attend.

USC tuition by itself is about $40,000. Which is very misleading since that does not include living expenses and supplies/textbooks. Altogether, one year of U$C costs over $55,000 while four years costs over $220,000.

I don't need to say it, but that's a lot of money.

As a matter of fact, that's enough money to make at least 30 feature length films(I am sure a very talented director/producer could manage even 200 films with $220,000. Yes this is extreme, but get the point).

Budget of Robert Rodriguez's El Mariachi = $7,000
Cost of Attending USC = $220,000
$220,000/$7,000 = 31.4

What can 30 films like El Mariachi do? Well here is what El Mariachi did:
-Over $2,000,000 in Box Office in the US only
-Robert Rodriguez lands a major production deal
-Robert Rodriguez becomes a well known director

That means that 30 films like El Mariachi has the potential of:
-$60,000,000 in Box Office
-Multiple major production deals
-Multiple spotlights for directors

Again, yes this is a bit ridiculous and extreme but you get the point.

Further education is very expensive.

For some fields further education is necessary. E.g. I would never trust a doctor who never went to college. However for filmmaking(or any art field) further education in an institution is not always necessary. There are many great filmmakers who never went to film school.

So before you go to film school, ask yourself what you want.
1. Do you want to pay over $200,000(or be $200,000 in debt) so that someone can tell you what to do. (and never be given the opportunity to direct/produce a feature film)
2. Do you want to use that $200,000 to make a film(s) your way. (and possibly end up with millions of people seeing your film(s))

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