
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Film school sucks... some more than others...

Any student attending USC will pretty much be brainwashed into believing UCLA is the worst thing in the world ever. A true Trojan will say that UCLA is worse than USC in every single aspect. And with USC passing UCLA in college rankings, it seems undeniable that UCLA is worse than USC.

When it comes to film school there is definitely no debate, UCLA is definitely worse than USC. USC is bad but UCLA is worse(much worse).

On first impression however, it seems pretty even between USC and UCLA. They are known to be two of the best film schools in America. Google "best films schools" and you will see that USC and UCLA are on most if not all lists. Some say that USC has better facilities while UCLA has a better Graduate program while UCLA is also definitely cheaper. USC seems to have more "successful" alumni in the industry but UCLA has its fair share of famous alumni(Francis Ford Coppola attended UCLA).

However it only takes one look at the UCLA film school admission website to see how bad their program is. Their BA program is only two years long and they don't accept freshmen. What? WHY?

We all know practice makes perfect and that the earlier we start the better, but UCLA goes against all of that. UCLA expects to produce a certified(i.e. a Bachelor of Arts) filmmaker in two years and wants its students to start late.

Any type of artist has to learn the craft of their art form and to learn their personal style, and this takes time. The artist may learn craft and style from classes, but without practice and experimentation the artist will never be able to express themselves fully through their art form. When we see a great pianist, we assume that they must have started from a young age and that they have thousands of hours of practice(though it is never too late to start). And we must see great filmmaking in the same way. Filmmaking must be a process of practicing and taking time and learning through experience, just like any other art form(I'm not saying go and practice for 8 hours like professional pianists do. Or am I?).

USC doesn't seem to be able to create filmmakers in 4 years. I am not aware of too many people with jobs in the industry after graduating from USC, and I am only aware of 1 person to actually have a chance at a multi-million dollar AAA feature film title(to be blogged about at a later date).
But UCLA is cocky enough to think that they can produce a filmmaker in 2 years!!! That is being very irresponsible and disrespectful to the art of film.

Basically what UCLA is saying: take our classes and well give you a filmmaker tshirt. That way you can go around wearing your UCLA(or USC) film school shirt and pretend you're a filmmaker. Lame.

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