
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Money for your film!

One of the greatest barriers for filmmakers, artists and anyone in general is the lack of resources, namely money. First off, let me state that going to film school WILL NOT help overcome that barrier. You will actually find yourself $200,000 poorer after film school(no duh). But aside from the fact that film school sucks, how could/should you respond to the barrier of money?

Most people will end up doing this. They will complain about the lack of money and wait for stacks of hundred dollar bills to come flying their way. The film will never get made. "El Director" will find themselves working in another industry.

Produce it
You need money? Great! Time to go and get it. You can start by finding a paying job. Start saving. If your budget is $1 million, you will have the money to make your film in about 20 years. Way to spend all your time making money rather than making films.

Get creative
Think. How can you make a film now(or in the near future) in your current situation with the resources that are available to you? Don't think of what you need, but rather think of what you already have.

When it comes to the barrier of money, we usually think of how we can overcome the barrier. We see how big, wide and tall the barrier is and begin to calculate what it will take to put it behind us. What we sometimes don't realize is that the biggest barrier is creative rather than physical. It is in our heads. Once we realize that we can creatively overcome the barrier, it ceases to be a barrier and rather becomes a challenge.

Again, think of what you have rather than what you need.

This is not to say that anyone can create a film packed with explosions, gunfights and car chases on a zero budget(though someone, maybe you, probably could). This is to say that if you have the heart to create, don't let money stop you.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt

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