
Monday, February 21, 2011

The Golden Path to success in the film industry.

Chances are if you are attending film school or thinking about attending film school, you want to do one of the big creative jobs. You probably want to be a director, producer or a cinematographer. Most film students aspire to direct. Basically people just don't go to film school to become a gaffer(not to degrade the role of a gaffer).

The question is, how many of those aspiring filmmakers actually end up doing what they want to do? Very few.

The fact of the matter is that there are way too many aspiring filmmakers and most of them have no clue. No clue of the golden path to "get into the industry". That's because there is NO WAY to "get into the industry" except YOUR WAY. Your way is the golden path.

That means you have to be true to yourself and do what you want in life. This means thinking for yourself. Don't let anyone tell you what to do. That includes parents, friends, film schools and blogs(this does not mean don't listen to what others have to say. Listen but make your own decision).

If you are true to yourself, you will follow your desires. If you are extremely motivated to become a filmmaker, and you are true to your feelings about that, you will find yourself(not anyone else) working towards that goal. If you see yourself right now with a goal and desire but no progress, you are not being true to yourself(or being very lazy).

In film school and everywhere else I have seen VERY FEW aspiring filmmakers who are true to themselves. As a matter of fact, an aspiring filmmaker who is true to himself is not an aspiring filmmaker but is simply a filmmaker. These are the kinds of people that would have been making films regardless of the situation they were in. Whether they had money, a camera or whether they had attended film school or not, they would have become filmmakers(Yes I believe Coppola would have become a director regardless of whether he attended film school or not).

Are you being true to your desires? Are you being true to yourself?

When I'm trusting and being myself... everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously. -- Shakti Gawain

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